Know Which Programming Language You Should Use For Big Data Project

You got a big data project. You understand all the ins and outs of the domain, and probably you’ve decided what framework you will use or what infrastructure to use to process all that data, but if you are confused about which programming language to employ for your big data project, this post is for you. Though there are many options to choose from -- Java and Python to R and Scala, picking the right programming language for your big data project can make a big difference between a highly successful project and one that only scratches its potential. Here's a quick rundown of each programming language to help guide your decision #1 Python The field of big data and data science being relatively new, many erudite folks are to be seen constantly debating about the pre-eminent programming language for big data. You might know that Python has been present for over a decade, and is more popular in academic circles. Its forte lies in Natural Language Processing (NLP). ...